Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Another Quiz
Whats your Led Zeppelin Theme Song?
3:14 AM
Currently Watching..
Hi all. My May 7th weekend is a flop. Woo. Sarah can't make it and there's a band rehersal or whatever going on. So there goes that. In chemistry Sara(h) and I noticed that the way Mrs. Gentry signed her name so that it looked like "County Slut". I know I got a giggle out of that. In english there was another writing benchmark. Topic: Re-instating the draft. I felt like writing down a big "WHO CARES?" on my paper, but I managed come up with 5 paragraphs of crap. Since the sleepover thing's out, I'll prolly end up going to that baby shower, which I've already shared my thoughts about. I might leave early anyway just to get out of it.
12:23 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Just a Boring Day..
Hi all you people out there. Today I took a chemistry test that I know I made at least a 50 on, so..that's really reassuring. I barely stayed awake in english because we were working on gateway review. Then, in Kittle's, I watched this Anne Frank movie. It was pretty good, but the whole Anne wanting to touch her best friends "womanly body" was a little..odd. In 4th I took a little 20 minute power nap.(Susan knows what I'm talking about) I still had time to work ahead and all the assignments for the week. After the nap, an invitation was delivered to me for a baby shower. The thing is, it's during school. That was a little surprising. So, is it and excused absence for 4th; reason: baby shower? I thought up a nifty idea. Get all the pregnant girls and have an assembly program where everyone brings gift for all of them. Don't get me wrong, but should that really take place class? Oh well, at least there's free food. Heeh. I might be leaving early though anyway that day. (Finally, an entry with some substance.)
12:53 AM
Monday, April 26, 2004
Currently Watching..
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
8:46 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Apathy is grand..
I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. Not much on my mind to speak of. I haven't been up to much these days. I've pretty much been doing nothing worth mentioning. I haven't gotten much done for a while. More or less nothing happening recently. Today was a total loss, but such is life. I haven't been up to anything , but shrug. I feel like a void. I've more or less been doing nothing worth mentioning. So it goes. What can I say? I just don't have much to say lately. More or less not much happening lately. My life's been dull. I've just been letting everything wash over me , not that it matters. I just don't have anything to say lately. My life's been generally boring , but that's how it is. Pretty much nothing seems worth bothering with. I don't care. I've basically been doing nothing to speak of, but eh.
This entry brought to you by The Apathetic Online Journal Entry Generator
3:20 AM
Currently Watching..
Salutations all. I had another non-eventful day. I woke up at 9:00 and drove around town, then came back home and concidered doing the chemistry "extra credit". I kinda fell asleep instead. Then I got on the computer after I woke up. Yeah, duh. So not much to write about. I think I might add some more quizzes, which I like to call the lazy person's blog entry, which says a lot about me lately.
1:04 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Currently Watching..
Which Nigerian spammer are You?
Which OS are You?
1:11 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Currently Watching..
find your inner PIE @
discover your inner candy heart @ quiz me
discover what candy you are @ quiz me
2:06 AM
Monday, April 19, 2004
Currently Playing..
Ah! My computer lives! I took it to get it fixed on Tuesday and just got it back today. The guy I take it to told me it would be fixed the next day. Well, everyday I go to pick it up, he tells it to me again. So, after a week, it's finally fixed. I'm never getting that guy to fix it again though. He was a real jerk. Treatin' me bad 'cause I got my computer sick..I couldn't help it. It was all that stupid Kazza crap..
9:41 PM
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Currently Watching..
Put your playlist on random and list the first 20 songs that play. No cheating!
Hi Hi Hi- Paul McCartney
Layla- Eric Clapton
I Want You- The Beatles
Alone, Together- The Strokes
Be My Girl- Jet
This Song- George Harrison
Cry Me A River- Justin Timberlake
Barely Legal- The Strokes
If Not For You- George Harrison
Roll Over Beethoven- The Beatles
Mary Jane- The Vines
Cecilia- Simon & Garfunkle
Telephone Line- ELO
I Want To Tell You- The Beatles
Sunday Morning- No Doubt
Let It Roll- George Harrison
Sweetest Goodbye- Maroon 5
Waiting Room- No Doubt
Hash Pipe- Weezer
Listen To What The Man Said- Paul McCartney
2:51 AM
12:37 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Currently Watching..
Hi all. Today I went shopping in Blowing Rock. I bought some clothes and a bunch of Happy Bunny stuff at Shoppes on the Parkway. Great fun. I ate at Pizza Hut. It was really weird because I was the only one in there. I think my computer is really sick. Last night it kept getting stuck and installed all this stuff on its own. I think it must be posessed or something because it makes strange noise even when I'm not using it. I managed to get it in semi-working condition, but I'll prolly take it to the computer repair person next week. Oh, and yesterday, I dyed Easter eggs and went to the doctor. Again. I'm never gonna get over this sinus crap
1:36 AM
Friday, April 09, 2004
Currently Playing..
Hi! Today I had a test in driver's ed, chemistry, and after school I saw Bob Dylan in concert! He was old, and it was great. Afterwards, I ate at Bojangles and the woman working there told us that this truck full of guys drove through the parking lot and threw out a dead groundhog. Strange things indeed
12:31 AM
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Currently Watching..
I haven't as put much time into my entries as I was. Don't expect me to either.
Today, I went to Wal-Mart and ate Chinese food. Yippee. I'm full of enthusiasm.
5:07 AM
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Currently Playing..
3:13 PM